Automobile Crashes
Motor vehicle crashes often arise from careless driving. These acts of negligence include: • Speeding • Running a red light or stop sign • Driving too fast for the conditions, such as wet roads, fog or traffic congestion • Failing to adequately look out for traffic • Unsafe lane changes or turns Our office sees distracted driving as a significant culprit in motor vehicle accidents. Drivers who text, view and send messages, call and surf the Internet are inattentive. Their recklessness can cause serious injuries and deaths. Nationally, 3,142 people died in 2019 at the hands of distracted driving. Motorists who are impaired by alcohol or drugs pose serious risks to other drivers, passengers and pedestrians. With impaired driving comes a loss of judgment and ability to stop suddenly or in time to avoid a crash. In 2018, alcohol played a role in 2,810 deaths and injuries in Los Angeles.