Premises Liability

At the foundation of any personal injury attorney Los Angeles practice is identifying parties responsible for your losses. G. Helena Philips Law Group does not pursue only careless drivers. Those who own or control properties with hazards and dangers can also face liability. Premises liability cases can arise from conditions such as: • Broken handrails • Lose or rotten steps or floors • Liquid or loose objects on the floor • Unstable columns or roofs that collapse • Insufficient fire hydrants • Malfunctioning fire or smoke alarms. We also pursue claims for negligent security. The law holds property owners responsible for the foreseeable criminal acts of third parties. The evidence that a criminal act was reasonably anticipated includes records of similar criminal activity in the vicinity. Contact the Law Offices of G. Helena Philips if you have been injured by an attacker because the establishment, such as a hotel, motel or store lacked adequate lighting, locks on doors at night, security cameras or security guards.